Business Portrait Studio Business Portrait Studio

Your Preparation

10 tips on preparing yourself for your shoot.

1. A few days before your shoot, visit the hairdresser and manicurist. 

2. If you plan to wear a jacket get it dry cleaned and pressed.

3. If you wear a shirt then check the collar is crisp and the shirt is pressed.

4. If you wear a tie then a Windsor knot always looks balanced and photographs well.

5. The night before your shoot try and get as much rest as possible.

6. Try and make your travel on the day of the shoot a stressless experience.

7. Plan your travel route to the location the night before and perhaps treat yourself to a taxi.

8. Wear clothes you feel good in that compliment your work environment.

9. If you wear a tie then bring 2 - 3 favourites plain and patterned.

10. Moisturising your skin on the day of the shoot will help make your skin look fresh and supple.
